Monday, July 27, 2009

ThAnZZ gOd..

4 his Mercy
im negative H1N1
so happy
coz no more worried
thinking about dat
im happy wif my life again
hopeull i wont be affected by the virus 4 ever..

**bad news
i've 2 qurantine mself 4 a week at home..
so bad.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

No VoIcE...

Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
suara semakin serak
x de suara
adakah tanda2
aku positif H1N1
bak kte toink2
tu tanda2nye
jahat sggguh minah nie
x pe2
nnt aku sebrkan virus kt die
jaga ko toink!!!!!!!!!
x nak!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kne virus tu
aku sumpah gak keturunan babi nih
sbb diorg
maktab kesyganku ditutup
smoga suaraku ade blk
blh main jerit2

Saturday, July 25, 2009

HiGh HeeL wIf MAkE uP??

teah sunguh kejam
ade ke patot
die suwo aku pki high heel
due inci lak tuh
ngan make up skali
mse annual dinner form 5
minah nie
die nk bg aku tergolek ape
dh tu paksaan lak
die akan make sure aku pki
cm ner nk pki
nnt jatoh
malu tujuh keturunan
pasni kne praktis ngan fatin
msti die taw
die tror bab2 cm nih
x pe2 teah
aku akan pastikan
ko nangis tgk aku pki high heel
msti ko gumbira sbb tu ko nangis
hopefully jgn la teah make upkn aku
mcm opera cina
minah tu bkn btol sgt
bab mngena org mmg terror
x pe
aku ade plan utk ko teah
jge ko

**dulu pnah pki tp jatuh...sbb tu la x nk pki smpi skrang


Adakah btol itu selsema pig???
oh no!!!
MRSM Merbok ditutup sbb pnyakit tu
cm x caye
tp tu lah realiti
spe lg yg bwk virus tu
x mkn pig pon leh kne
pig sngguh keturunan ko

sume org gi wat medical check up
risau kot2 terkena
aku pon wat gak
tp nnt ari senin
mntx2 la x kne
aku sumpah gak keturunan pig nie
bg idong jd lg beso
padan muke!!!!!!!!!!!
geram btol...

dh la thn nie nk SPM
mcm2 bala yg smpi
sian kt merbok
tp x pe
dugaan buatkan kte jd kuat
kesian gak kt pengetua
pening pale pikir psl merbok
smoge merbok x kn kne ape2 dah

thanxx kt :
ira shamon fatin iday alia wanie iqie kakak teah
dan sume yg jge aku mlm tu
syg gak korang kt aku
aku dh sihat
thanxx sgt sbb caring
bngga ade kwn cm korang
to ira
lain kali jgn share sudu ngan aku
kan dh kne sakit tekak cm aku

Farah's aunty had passes away..

i saw her packed all her cloth
i asked her y?
she said dat
she wanted to go back
i asked her again y
she said her aunty had passed away
im so shocked
but she looked so cool
i know she tried not 2 cry..
I said to her u must be strong
cry now but not at home
she went back wif my prayer
may she safely arrived at home

suddenly i was thinking of my dad
he leaved me alone
he had leaved me around 5 month ago
he leaved me when im really want to c him
but i couldn't
i know
ALLAH had choose the best 4 me
i believed his fate
i hope he will live peaceful there
n i hpe i'll find da reason y i couldnt c him 4 da last time..

Al fatihah to all islamian dat has leaved us forever.


im so sad
i've to leave all my cocuriculum
no sport
no more robotik
no more bebelan from teachers n friends
i mis dat all
everytime i joined da cocuricculum
they will bebel to me
i know they r caring 2 me
thanxx u very much
i not robotik presient anymore
replce wif ali
gud luck ali
replace wif SUHAILA
no more netball
n al da things
c my junior go there n here
wakil maktab
so jeleous
but i've to accept
my spm just around da corner
struggle 4 my spm
coz i want 2 be a software engineer..
i know i cant do
my faci said
even though i dunt wat does it real meaning
he aid i've to wake up n go 4 war
thanxx hadi
thanxx 2 anyone dat me realize
ive no time
wish me luck
i'll miss all my activities...

RoBoTiK.. a.k.a RoBoFaRe 2009

First time n da last time..huhuhu..pasni no more chance nk msuk...pnglaman yg x pnah dpt..sgt sgt sgt la seronok..mne x nye dpt gi tmpt jauh..adeh!!!..umah sdiri gak kt sne..x de mknenye...nk ctew crita psl kt sne..dlm bas mmg best..mne x nye kne tazkirah ngan driver kepala batas...sabar je yg best dpt tngkap gamba org tdo..sian kt bdk2 robotik..hak asasi dicabuli...hhhuhu...paling best gamba irfan tdo...mmg style glew mmg x diredhai oleh mereka...memory card rosak..ilang sume gmba...tu namenye wat jahat dibalas x pe...memori otak aku blh digunakn lg..igt ooo gmba tu walaupun x de yg real...sowie la korang!!!!!...smpi2 je rse cm artis.mne x nye...bpe juta kmera yg tngkap gmba kteorg..glemer hbis...bkn snang nk rse kn...mlm tu jugak ade design test...x lain syok rehat kteorg..pnat2 kne test...x pe...hikmah dpt jumpe bdk2 junior..da next day..competition..robot wat hal tp nasib baik la our hero AKI...dtg tlg..klu x mati x jln la robot x la mnang..:p..mlm tu lepak ngan eddy bdk lenggong..dr kul 9.30 smpi kul 12..mcm2 kteorg ctew..wndu kt lenggong..diorg ade krisis ngan cikgu aku lak jd org tgh.besa la superhero..huhuh..boyz merbok ngan ina join da last2 tggl aku ngan eddy yg syok smbang psl lenggong.bngga glew bdk lenggong jd imam semyang jamak...hahahhha...da next day...kteorg smbg lg ctew tp kt psp..mmg best..ade mizan si tupai..yg plg comel.die tu trror programming glew..die tlg mrsm langkawi wat programming..akhirnya mnang gak mrsm langkawi...ntah ape2 mizan tngkap pix ngan aku..comel la de..zimi si bdk blur..blur nk mati bdk tuh..besa la penganut kitab blur2 pon ank engineer tu...huhuuhuh..spanjang smbang2 rupenye fara sangkut ngan eddy..hahahah..sian2 ko fara..mlm tu kteorg gi EYES ON MALAYSIA...edy n zimi diorg x naik..diorg smban ngan ali..ape erk diorg smbang???kteorg lak main lompat2 dlm kabel tu.nasib x runtuh..nie idea ina la nih...jahat sngguh minah nie...hahhahh..ari last sume blk umah x blk mktb..sbbnye mrbok ade hal...aku blk mlke mg best kenangan kt sne...ali x abih2 ngumpat psl ustazah merbok..huuhuu...sian ko ali...arip la muke tnsion jew wat robot..aki x leh blah blh tido mse competition...x pham aku mamat nih...adi ngan nazman cool glew..redha jew kalah..razman x de komen ttg die..ghazali ngan irfan x abih2 nk pangkah aku...n lastly zharif die lnsung x de prsaan..muke selenge..huhuhhhh..mir ngan farah syok ngan robot x jd diorg..umi kiteorg gosipkan ngan ......huhhhuh sowie umi..aku ngan ina plg susah nk bngun...klu aku x bangun ina x nk bangun..sian umi yg gerak..thanxx umi...ape2 pon aku still wndu suasana kt sne...knangan itu akan disimpan selamanya.thanxx aki byk tlg kteorg sbb mostly robot tu ko yg wat kn..yg lain tlg bg idea pon aku nk ucapkn thanxx...syg korang sume...
kat atas tu la robot aku

Bwp Memories...

12 JULAI 2009
dat will be a day dat i' rmmber 4 my whole life...I release my Bwp n nuex sad but i know everything in dis world we'll lost it one day..da moment when i saw SUHAILA da new nuex received her certificate,i know im not NUEX anymore..thanxx 4 nuex name coz everyone know me as TANTAN NUEX...may b b4 dia im da happiest person when i know i'll release my BWP..but on dat moment i know im da sadness great da experience i got while im in BWP...we'r fighting,laughing,crazy together,headche n many more i know U WONT MISS IT UNTIL U LOST IT..If GOD give me another chance.i hope i'll make sure i'll create more memories together...but it is da first n lsti time i'l take dis job coz i've promise 2 myself dat i'll not 2 take dis job the others BWP..i want u know at i miss u all n i luv u all so much...thanxx 4 eveythings..To my anak buah..sory i couldnt give u much job as u guyz want coz i dunt know wat is da suitable job for u..but thanxx 4 make me happy all da time when im with u..u all had make my bcome work easier n thanxx 4 ur help..May the next generation of NUEX wll do da best job more than me...I dunt know how 2 describe how miss to all dis things..only God know that..

Friday, July 24, 2009

GuNUng jERaI...

Gunung Jerai!!!!!!!!!!!!!...akhirnya bjaya smpi kt atas puncak...prjlnan yg sgt la jauh..rase klu wat ari2 blh kurus aku cm nih..mne x nye 7 jam bjalan..lom penah aku naik tnggi cm ni..pling hebat pon bukit larut.tu pon rse nk patah form 5 mmg grand sbb sume bjaya naik atas pncak ngan kaki ade la yg naik gne jip..yg tu sakit..dimaapkn..laen kali naik sdiri...bru taw bestnye naik...plg best ble jmpe ENCIK PACAT..asal jmpe org akan jerit TANTAN!!!TANTAN!!...sbb aku yg bwk kje aku la yg bunuh pacat2 tu..sian kt pacat spe suwo die isap darah org..badan die g lmbik tu la g wat aku jd geli..bkn takot cume geli sket jew.hehehhe...plg best ari akhir ble light off ttbe..sume pakat gelabah...mne x nye...gunung jerai kn glemer ngan ctew mistik die...agak seram la waktu ape2 pon kteorg dh bjaya tawan gunung jerai..pasni naek gunun kinabalu lak...compem pasni aku kurus melidi la lps naik gunng kinabalu.huhuuhhuuh

LaNgkAwI 2009...

SUPER LANGKAWI 2009..dat is da first n da last time i'll participate.last year i joined KEJORA at Terengganu...Only 4 students form 5 were selected 2 go there..of course la da great grand n da best form were selected included me...hahahhha..Great memories dat i got coz i've chance 2 know form 4 boys n girlz..but not all for 4 boys i know...sorry..certain boys form 4 i only realize on da last after dis increase ur mencapub 2 let me notice u guyz.hehhehe..i had selected as PENGHULUWATI..i'm so tired coz all da time peoples will call me n asked dis n dis..but thanxx u gurlzz ur realy apreciate me...Even though we never won anything but we won da memories dat we funny story on dat day is..Muadzz was getting his fever.then Arip n Suhaimi found me at aspuri..i wonder y they find me n they said plezz be urgent..its became funny when they said muadz demam n they dunt know wat u give muadz eat..they find me bcoz want 2 asking wat they should give 2 muadz??..i thought there was an urgent things but only dat funny question..huhhuh..suddenly i was thinking where is PENGHULU??..i asked them..then they said PENGHULU go n watch badminton great da Penghulu is..but i'll still fell sympathy to muadz..may da muffin i gave 2 him will make him well soon...i'll miss all da memories until now n i wont forget da memories.. :P..thanzz beb...

TaNdAs Yg bERsIH...

Ctew dkt tandas..msti pelik apsal ttbe minah nie letak gamba syiok sdiri kt toilet kn...heheheh..sbnar sje tngkap pixcha kt sni..aku nk bgtaw..tndas kt sebuah bngunan yang car park nye mahal sgt mahal nie sgt sgt sgtlah bersih....bleh wat x leh wat nie adalah best klu sume tndas yg aku msuk bsih cm nih...nie x asal aku msuk tndas punye la kotor n buang hajat pon x ape kn daya klu ari2 nk gi tmpt nie..bankrup aku...mnex nye car park harge rm5 sejam...tndas free actually nie tmpt utk peguam..syok gak tgk byk2 peguam x rse nk jd peguam sbb x layak kot...lstly rkyat mlysia kne la jdkn sume tandas mcm dlm gamba yg aku letak nih..paham??????

NetBaLL mEmOrY..

be a part of netball players...hehehhe..on our first day we won all the trror..hahahha..but not 4 da second day..we lost it...but we lost it with MARUAH..i've learn how nice a great u know..i also saw how athirah n mas be a hug a.k.a scary...but i luv cikgu sapijah so much coz all da time she look cool n gave us her spirit...she is da besh teachers dat i had..I luv netball team under 18 n cikgu sapijah

Usm MeMorY...

Just A Simple story..we were going 2 da usm...its such a nice memory 4 me coz i've never been there b4...we r such a crazy beach when all da time we r snap da pix..i dunt know how many pixcha do we snap.hehehhe..on dat day we also can saw a few of MUSAFIR...hahahha..u know y??bcoz they didn't gi 2 SEMBAHYANG JUMAAT.hehehhe..I also dunt know y there dunt want 2 go 4 sembahyang jumaaat even though da mosque was very near 2 them..Only God know about dat..hehehehhe..BuT i'll keep dat memory.